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This technique is for patients who suffer a total or partial loss of their teeth and require an entire jaw dental prosthesis. The procedure optimizes the dental implant technique by using 6 implants, depending on each patient's case. The 6 implants support a new complete denture, either the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both. 

All You Need To Know

All-On-6 Implants

What are All-on-6 dental implants?

All-on-6 dental implants are a restorative dental solution that involves the placement of six dental implants in the jawbone to support a full arch of prosthetic teeth. This innovative approach provides a stable and durable foundation for a complete smile restoration.

Benefits of All-on-6 dental implants:

  • Enhanced stability and support for the prosthetic arch

  • Improved aesthetics and confidence with a natural-looking smile

  • Restoration of bite functionality and chewing ability

  • Preservation of jawbone health by stimulating bone growth

  • Prevention of facial sagging and premature aging

How do All-on-6 dental implants work?

All-on-6 dental implants utilize six strategically placed implants in the jawbone. These implants act as anchors for a custom-made prosthetic arch, which is securely attached to the implants. This creates a stable and functional set of replacement teeth that look and feel natural.

Who is a suitable candidate for All-on-6 dental implants?

All-on-6 dental implants are an excellent option for individuals who have significant tooth loss or are facing complete edentulism (loss of all teeth). Suitable candidates should have good overall health, sufficient jawbone density, and healthy gums. A thorough evaluation by a dental professional will determine if All-on-6 implants are the right solution for each individual case.

The All-on-6 Dental Implants Procedure

Preoperative evaluation and treatment planning:

Before the All-on-6 dental implant procedure, a comprehensive evaluation will be conducted. This may include dental X-rays, 3D imaging, and impressions of your teeth and gums. The treatment plan will be customized to meet your specific needs and goals.

Anesthesia options for All-on-6 dental implant surgery:

To ensure your comfort during the procedure, various anesthesia options will be discussed with you. These may include local anesthesia, intravenous sedation, or general anesthesia. Your dental team will determine the most suitable option based on your individual needs and preferences.

Placement of dental implants:

During the surgical procedure, six dental implants will be carefully placed into the jawbone at predetermined positions. The implants act as artificial tooth roots, providing a stable base for the prosthetic arch. In some cases, temporary teeth may be attached to the implants immediately after placement.

Attaching the prosthetic arch:

After a healing period, a custom-designed prosthetic arch will be created to fit your mouth perfectly. The prosthetic arch will be securely attached to the implants, creating a functional and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Postoperative care instructions

After the All-on-6 dental implant procedure, you will receive specific postoperative care instructions. These may include guidelines for managing any discomfort, instructions for oral hygiene practices, dietary restrictions, and information on follow-up appointments.

Advantages of All-on-6 Dental Implants

Improved aesthetics and confidence

All-on-6 dental implants provide a natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing smile. The custom prosthetic arch is designed to match your facial features and desired tooth appearance, boosting your self-confidence.

Enhanced functionality and bite stability

With All-on-6 dental implants, you can enjoy restored bite functionality and chewing ability. The six implants provide excellent stability, allowing you to eat a wide variety of foods with confidence.

Preservation of jawbone health

By replacing missing teeth with All-on-6 dental implants, you stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss and maintaining its strength and density. This helps preserve the facial structure and prevent the sunken appearance often associated with tooth loss.

Increased stability and durability compared to fewer implant options

The use of six dental implants in All-on-6 ensures superior stability and durability compared to fewer implant options. The additional implants distribute the biting forces more evenly, reducing the strain on individual implants and increasing the overall longevity of the restoration.


Like any surgical procedure, there are complications associated with All-on-6 dental implants. These may include infection, implant failure, nerve damage, or sinus complications. However, with proper planning and experienced dental professionals, these risks are minimal.

Factors to consider before undergoing the procedure

Before deciding on All-on-6 dental implants, it's important to consider factors such as overall health, jawbone density, and oral hygiene habits. Your dental team will evaluate your individual case and discuss any specific considerations or potential limitations.

Cost of All-on-6 Dental Implants

The cost of All-on-6 dental implants can vary depending on several factors. These may include the complexity of the case, the materials used, the expertise of the dental team, and the location of the dental clinic. Additional procedures, such as bone grafting or extractions, may also impact the overall cost. While All-on-6 dental implants may have a higher upfront cost compared to some traditional tooth replacement options, they offer long-term value and benefits. Their durability, functionality, and natural appearance make them a worthwhile investment. Your dental team can provide a cost comparison and help you understand the value of All-on-6 dental implants.

MedforLess - Choose the Right Dental Implant Provider in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is known for its reputable dental clinics offering high-quality dental implant services. MedforLess partners with the top dental implant clinics in Costa Rica. We consider the experience and qualifications of the dental doctors, the reputation and track record of the clinic, the availability of advanced technology, and the range of services offered. We also evaluate the level of personalized care and patient satisfaction.


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